Data by Country

151 - 197 of 197 Member States
Title National Geospatial Information Authority Public Contacts Historic Table Geospatial Datasets
Samoa Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment None Ninguno None
San Marino Ufficio Tecnico del Catasto (Dipartimento Territorio Ambiente e Agricoltura) None Ninguno None
Sao Tome and Principe Direcção Serviços Geograficos e Cadastrais None Ninguno None
Saudi Arabia General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information 1 Ninguno None
Senegal Agence Nationale de l'Aménagement du Territoire 2 Descargar 6
Serbia Republic Geodetic Authority (Republicki geodetski zavod) None Ninguno None
Seychelles Ministry of National Development None Ninguno None
Sierra Leone National Mapping Agency, Ministry of Lands and Country Planning None Descargar None
Singapore Singapore Land Authority None Ninguno None
Slovakia Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic (Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra Slovenskej republiky) None Ninguno None
Slovenia Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije) None Ninguno None
Solomon Islands Geographic Operations Group,Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey None Ninguno None
Somalia National Cartographic Directorate None Ninguno None
South Africa Surveys and Mapping of South Africa None Ninguno 1
South Sudan Geospatial Information Services & IT, National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) 1 Ninguno None
Spain Instituto Geográfico Nacional (National Geographic Institute) None Ninguno None
Sri Lanka Survey Department of Sri Lanka None Descargar 2
State of Palestine Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics None Ninguno None
Sudan (the) Sudan National Survey Corporation None Ninguno None
Suriname Central Bureau Luchtkartering None Ninguno None
Sweden The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet) None Ninguno None
Switzerland Federal Office of Topography (Bundesamt für Landestopographie) None Ninguno None
Syrian Arab Republic None Ninguno None
Tajikistan None Ninguno None
Thailand Geo-informatics and Space Technology Agency of Thailand None Ninguno None
Timor-Leste National Directorate Cadastral Services None Ninguno None
Togo Direction générale de la Cartographie 3 Descargar 4
Tonga Tonga-Ministry of Lands, Survey and Natural Resources, Land and Geospatial Information Services 1 Ninguno None
Trinidad and Tobago Survey and Mapping Division None Ninguno None
Tunisia Office de la Topographie et de la Cartographie None Descargar 12
Turkey General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (Tapu Kadastro Genel Mudurlugu) None Ninguno None
Turkmenistan State Commite on Land Resources,Geodesy, Cartography and State Cadastre None Ninguno None
Tuvalu Lands & Survey Department,Ministry of Natural Resources None Ninguno None
Uganda Surveys and Mapping Department None Ninguno None
Ukraine The State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (Державна служба України з питань геодезії, картографії та кадастру) None Ninguno None
United Arab Emirates (the) Federal Geographic Information Center 1 Ninguno None
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Her Majesty’s Land Registry None Ninguno None
United Republic of Tanzania (the) Surveys and Mapping Division,Ministry of Lands and Human, Settlements Development None Ninguno None
United States of America (the) U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division None Ninguno None
Uruguay Comisión Directiva de Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales None Ninguno None
Uzbekistan National Centre of Geodesy and Cartography of None Ninguno None
Vanuatu Department of Land Survey None Ninguno None
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Instituto Geográfico de Venezuela Simón Bolivar None Ninguno None
Viet Nam Department of Survey and Mapping None Ninguno None
Yemen Survey Authority None Ninguno None
Zambia Zambia Survey Department 2 Ninguno 1
Zimbabwe Department of the Surveyor General 2 Descargar 2