Data by Country

1 - 50 of 197 Member States
Title National Geospatial Information Authority Public Contacts Historic Table Geospatial Datasets
Afghanistan Afghan Geodesy & Cartography Head Office None Ninguno None
Albania State Authority for Geospatial Information (Autoriteti Shtetëror i Informacionit Gjeohapësinor) None Ninguno None
Algeria Institut National de Cartographie et de Télédétection None Ninguno None
Andorra Ministeri d'Urbanisme i Ordenament Territorial, Govern d'Andorra None Ninguno None
Angola Angolan Geographical and Cadastral Institute None Ninguno None
Antigua and Barbuda Surveys Division None Ninguno None
Argentina Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina None Ninguno None
Armenia The State Committee of the Real Property Cadastre of the Government of the Republic of Armenia None Ninguno None
Australia Geoscience Australia 1 Ninguno None
Austria Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (Bundesamt für Eich und Vermessungswesen) None Ninguno None
Azerbaijan State Agency for Geodesy and Cartography 2 Ninguno None
Bahamas (the) Department of Lands and Surveys None Ninguno None
Bahrain Survey and Land Registration Bureau None Ninguno None
Bangladesh Survey of Bangladesh 3 Ninguno None
Barbados Lands and Surveys Department None Ninguno None
Belarus The State Committee on Property of the Republic of Belarus (Дзяржаўны камітэт па маемасці Рэспублікі Беларусь) None Ninguno None
Belgium National Geographic Institute (Nationaal Geografisch Instituut; Institut Géograhique National) None Ninguno None
Belize Lands and Surveys Department None Ninguno None
Benin Institut Géographique National du Bénin 1 Descargar 1
Bhutan Department of Survey and Land Records None Ninguno None
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Instituto Geográfico Militar None Ninguno None
Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs (Federalna uprava za geodetske i imovinsko-pravne poslove) None Ninguno None
Botswana Department of Surveys and Mapping None Ninguno None
Brazil Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística 3 Ninguno None
Brunei Darussalam Survey Department None Ninguno None
Bulgaria Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency None Ninguno None
Burkina Faso Institut Géographique du Burkina 3 Descargar None
Burundi Institut Géographique du Burundi 2 Descargar 4
Cabo Verde Instituto Nacional de Gestão do Território 1 Descargar 2
Cambodia Geographic Department, Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction None Ninguno 1
Cameroon Institut National de Cartographie 2 Descargar 1
Canada Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Strategic Policy and Results Sector, Natural Resources Canada 3 Ninguno 1
Central African Republic Service de la Cartographie et de la Télédétection 1 Descargar 1
Chad Service de la Cartographie, Direction du Cadastre None Ninguno None
Chile Instituto Geográfico Militar 2 Ninguno None
China National Administration of Surveying,Mapping and Geoinformation of China None Ninguno None
Colombia Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi None Ninguno None
Comoros (the) Cellule Cartographie, Direction de l’aménagement du territoire, de l’urbanisme et de l’habitat 2 Ninguno None
Congo (the) Centre de Recherche Géographique et de Cartographie 1 Descargar None
Cook Islands (the) Survey Land Information Division,Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning None Ninguno None
Costa Rica National Geographic Institute | Instituto Geográfico Nacional 1 Descargar 4
Côte d'Ivoire Centre d'Information Géographique et du Numérique (BNETD) 2 Descargar 14
Croatia State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia (Drzavna Geodetska Uprava) None Ninguno None
Cuba Servicio Hidrográfico y Geodésico de la República de Cuba None Ninguno 1
Cyprus Cyprus Department of Lands and Surveys (Tmima Ktimatologiou Kai Chorometrias) None Descargar 1
Czechia Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (Ceský úrad zememerický a katastrální) None Ninguno None
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (the) None Ninguno None
Democratic Republic of the Congo (the) Institut Géographique du Congo 2 Descargar 6
Denmark Agency for Data Supply and Efficiency (Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering) None Ninguno None
Djibouti Service de la géomatique 1 Descargar None