Data by Country

51 - 100 of 197 Member States
Title National Geospatial Information Authority Public Contacts Historic Table Geospatial Datasets
Dominica Lands and Surveys Division None Ninguno None
Dominican Republic (the) Instituto Cartografíco Militar None Ninguno None
Ecuador Military Geographic Institute of Ecuador (Instituto Geográfico Militar de Ecuador) None Ninguno 1
Egypt Egyptian Survey Authority None Ninguno None
El Salvador Instituto Geográfico y del Catastro Nacional None Ninguno None
Equatorial Guinea None Ninguno None
Eritrea None Ninguno None
Estonia Estonian Land Board (Maa-amet) None Ninguno None
Eswatini Surveyor General's Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 2 Ninguno 1
Ethiopia Ethiopian Geospatial Information Agency None Ninguno None
Fiji Geospatial Information Management Division, Ministry of Lands & Mineral Resources 3 Descargar 1
Finland National Land Survey of Finland (Maanmittauslaitos) 1 Ninguno None
France Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) (National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information) None Ninguno None
Gabon Institut National de Cartographie None Ninguno None
Gambia (the) Department of Lands and Surveys None Ninguno None
Georgia National Agency of Public Registry (Sajaro Reestris Erovnuli Saagento) 2 Descargar 1
Germany Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie) None Descargar None
Ghana Lands Commission 1 Ninguno 2
Greece National Cadastre and Mapping Agency S.A (Kthmatologio A.E ) None Ninguno None
Grenada Lands and Surveys Division None Ninguno None
Guatemala Instituto Geográfico Nacional None Ninguno None
Guinea Institut Géographique National None Ninguno None
Guinea-Bissau Direcção Geral de Geografia e Cadastro 1 Descargar 1
Guyana None Ninguno None
Haiti Centre National de l'information Geo-Spatiale None Ninguno 1
Holy See (the) None Ninguno None
Honduras Direccion General de Catastro y Geografia None Ninguno None
Hungary Department of Geodesy Remote Sensing and Land Offices (Földmérési, Távérzékelési és Földhivatali Főosztály) None Ninguno None
Iceland National Land Survey of Iceland (Landmælingar Íslands) None Ninguno None
India Survey of India, Athibarkala Estate None Ninguno None
Indonesia Geospatial Information Agency (Badan Informasi Geospasial) None Ninguno None
Iran (Islamic Republic of) National Cartographic Centre of Iran None Ninguno None
Iraq None Ninguno None
Ireland Ordnance Survey Ireland (Suirbhéireacht Ordnáis Éireann) None Ninguno None
Israel Survey of Israel None Ninguno None
Italy Italian Military Geographic Institute (Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano) None Ninguno None
Jamaica Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation 1 Descargar 1
Japan Geospatial Information Authority of Japan None Ninguno None
Jordan Royal Jordanian Geographic Center None Ninguno None
Kazakhstan Agency for Land Resources Management None Ninguno None
Kenya None Ninguno None
Kiribati Ministry of Home Affairs and Rural Development,Land Management Division None Ninguno None
Kuwait Survey Department None Ninguno None
Kyrgyzstan State Agency of Cartography & Geodesy None Ninguno None
Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) National Geographic Department None Ninguno None
Latvia Latvian Geospatial Information Agency (Latvijas Geotelpiskas Informacijas Agentura) None Ninguno None
Lebanon Direction des Affaires Géographiques-DAG None Ninguno None
Lesotho Department of Lands, Surveys & Physical Planning 2 Descargar 1
Liberia Survey Department None Ninguno None
Libya Survey Department of Libya None Ninguno None