Data by Country
51 - 100 of 197 Member States
Title | National Geospatial Information Authority | Public Contacts | Historic Table | Geospatial Datasets |
Dominica | Lands and Surveys Division | None | Нет | None |
Dominican Republic (the) | Instituto Cartografíco Militar | None | Нет | None |
Ecuador | Military Geographic Institute of Ecuador (Instituto Geográfico Militar de Ecuador) | None | Нет | 1 |
Egypt | Egyptian Survey Authority | None | Нет | None |
El Salvador | Instituto Geográfico y del Catastro Nacional | None | Нет | None |
Equatorial Guinea | — | None | Нет | None |
Eritrea | — | None | Нет | None |
Estonia | Estonian Land Board (Maa-amet) | None | Нет | None |
Eswatini | Surveyor General's Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | 2 | Нет | 1 |
Ethiopia | Ethiopian Geospatial Information Agency | None | Нет | None |
Fiji | Geospatial Information Management Division, Ministry of Lands & Mineral Resources | 3 | Скачать | 1 |
Finland | National Land Survey of Finland (Maanmittauslaitos) | 1 | Нет | None |
France | Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) (National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information) | None | Нет | None |
Gabon | Institut National de Cartographie | None | Нет | None |
Gambia (the) | Department of Lands and Surveys | None | Нет | None |
Georgia | National Agency of Public Registry (Sajaro Reestris Erovnuli Saagento) | 2 | Скачать | 1 |
Germany | Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie) | None | Скачать | None |
Ghana | Lands Commission | 1 | Нет | 2 |
Greece | National Cadastre and Mapping Agency S.A (Kthmatologio A.E ) | None | Нет | None |
Grenada | Lands and Surveys Division | None | Нет | None |
Guatemala | Instituto Geográfico Nacional | 1 | Нет | None |
Guinea | Institut Géographique National | None | Нет | None |
Guinea-Bissau | Direcção Geral de Geografia e Cadastro | 1 | Скачать | 1 |
Guyana | — | None | Нет | None |
Haiti | Centre National de l'information Geo-Spatiale | None | Нет | 1 |
Holy See (the) | — | None | Нет | None |
Honduras | Direccion General de Catastro y Geografia | None | Нет | None |
Hungary | Department of Geodesy Remote Sensing and Land Offices (Földmérési, Távérzékelési és Földhivatali Főosztály) | None | Нет | None |
Iceland | National Land Survey of Iceland (Landmælingar Íslands) | None | Нет | None |
India | Survey of India, Athibarkala Estate | None | Нет | None |
Indonesia | Geospatial Information Agency (Badan Informasi Geospasial) | None | Нет | None |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | National Cartographic Centre of Iran | None | Нет | None |
Iraq | — | None | Нет | None |
Ireland | Ordnance Survey Ireland (Suirbhéireacht Ordnáis Éireann) | None | Нет | None |
Israel | Survey of Israel | None | Нет | None |
Italy | Italian Military Geographic Institute (Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano) | None | Нет | None |
Jamaica | Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation | 1 | Скачать | 1 |
Japan | Geospatial Information Authority of Japan | None | Нет | None |
Jordan | Royal Jordanian Geographic Center | None | Нет | None |
Kazakhstan | Agency for Land Resources Management | None | Нет | None |
Kenya | — | None | Нет | None |
Kiribati | Ministry of Home Affairs and Rural Development,Land Management Division | None | Нет | None |
Kuwait | Survey Department | None | Нет | None |
Kyrgyzstan | State Agency of Cartography & Geodesy | None | Нет | None |
Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) | National Geographic Department | None | Нет | None |
Latvia | Latvian Geospatial Information Agency (Latvijas Geotelpiskas Informacijas Agentura) | None | Нет | None |
Lebanon | Direction des Affaires Géographiques-DAG | None | Нет | None |
Lesotho | Department of Lands, Surveys & Physical Planning | 2 | Скачать | 1 |
Liberia | Survey Department | None | Нет | None |
Libya | Survey Department of Libya | None | Нет | None |