Data by Country

101 - 150 of 197 Member States
Title National Geospatial Information Authority Public Contacts Historic Table Geospatial Datasets
Liechtenstein Tiefbaumt None Ninguno None
Lithuania National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture(Nacionalinė žemės tarnyba prie Žemės ūkio ministerijos) None Ninguno None
Luxembourg Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie (Administration of the Cadastre and Topography) None Ninguno None
Madagascar Institut Géographique et Hydrographique National (Foiben-Taosarintanin'I Madagasikara) 1 Descargar 6
Malawi Surveys Department, National Spatial Data Centre 1 Descargar 2
Malaysia Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia None Ninguno None
Maldives None Ninguno None
Mali Institut Géographique du Mali 2 Descargar 2
Malta Malta Planning Authority (L-Awtorita’ tal-Ippjanar) None Ninguno None
Marshall Islands (the) None Ninguno None
Mauritania Direction de la Cartographie et de l'Information Géographique 1 Descargar 6
Mauritius Survey Division, Ministry of Housing and Lands None Ninguno None
Mexico Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 1 Descargar 2
Micronesia (Federated States of) None Ninguno None
Monaco None Ninguno None
Mongolia Agency of Land Affairs, Geodesy and Cartography of Mongolia None Ninguno 1
Montenegro Real estate administration of Montenegro (Uprava za nekretnine Crne Gore) None Ninguno None
Morocco Agence National de la Conservation Foncière, du Cadastre et de la Cartographie 1 Ninguno None
Mozambique National Remote Sensing & Cartography Centre - Centro Nacional de Cartografia e Teledeteção 3 Descargar 3
Myanmar Survey Department None Ninguno None
Namibia Directorate of Survey and General Mapping None Ninguno None
Nauru None Ninguno None
Nepal Survey Department - Ministry of Land Management, Cooperative and Poverty Alleviation 1 Ninguno None
Netherlands (the) Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (Dienst voor het Kadaster en de openbare registers) None Ninguno None
New Zealand Land Information New Zealand & Stats NZ Geographic Data Service None Ninguno 1
Nicaragua Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales None Ninguno None
Niger Ministère de l'Urbanisme et du Logement Institut Géographique National du Niger 3 Descargar 2
Nigeria Office of the Surveyor General of the Federation, Federal Surveys of Nigeria 2 Descargar 1
Niue Justice, Lands and Survey Department None Ninguno None
North Macedonia Agency for Real Estate Cadastre (Агенција за катастар на недвижности) None Ninguno None
Norway Norwegian Mapping Authority (Statens kartverk) None Ninguno None
Oman Geographical Information Services, National Survey Authority None Ninguno None
Pakistan Geological Survey of Pakistan None Ninguno None
Palau National GIS / Ministry of Resources& Development None Ninguno None
Panama Instituto Geográfico Nacional Tommy Guardia None Ninguno None
Papua New Guinea National Mapping Bureau None Ninguno None
Paraguay Servicio Geográfico Militar None Ninguno None
Peru National Geographical Institute of Peru None Ninguno None
Philippines (the) National Mapping & Resource Information Agency 2 Ninguno 1
Poland Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (Glówny Urzad Geodezji i Kartografii) None Ninguno None
Portugal Directorate General for Territory (Direção Geral do Território) None Ninguno None
Qatar Center for GIS None Ninguno None
Republic of Korea (the) National Geographic Information Institute None Ninguno None
Republic of Moldova (the) State Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre (Agentia de stat relatii funciare si cadastru) None Ninguno None
Romania National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration of Romania (Agentia Nationala de Cadastru si Publicitate Imobiliara) None Ninguno 1
Russian Federation (the) Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) None Ninguno None
Rwanda Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority None Ninguno None
Saint Kitts and Nevis Department of Lands and Surveys None Ninguno None
Saint Lucia None Ninguno None
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Lands and Surveys Department, Ministry of Housing, Informal Human Settlements, Physical Planning and Lands and Survey None Ninguno None