Data by Country
101 - 150 of 197 Member States
Title | National Geospatial Information Authority | Public Contacts | Historic Table | Geospatial Datasets |
Liechtenstein | Tiefbaumt | None | Ninguno | None |
Lithuania | National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture(Nacionalinė žemės tarnyba prie Žemės ūkio ministerijos) | None | Ninguno | None |
Luxembourg | Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie (Administration of the Cadastre and Topography) | None | Ninguno | None |
Madagascar | Institut Géographique et Hydrographique National (Foiben-Taosarintanin'I Madagasikara) | 1 | Descargar | 6 |
Malawi | Surveys Department, National Spatial Data Centre | 1 | Descargar | 2 |
Malaysia | Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia | None | Ninguno | None |
Maldives | — | None | Ninguno | None |
Mali | Institut Géographique du Mali | 2 | Descargar | 2 |
Malta | Malta Planning Authority (L-Awtorita’ tal-Ippjanar) | None | Ninguno | None |
Marshall Islands (the) | — | None | Ninguno | None |
Mauritania | Direction de la Cartographie et de l'Information Géographique | 1 | Descargar | 6 |
Mauritius | Survey Division, Ministry of Housing and Lands | None | Ninguno | None |
Mexico | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía | 1 | Descargar | 2 |
Micronesia (Federated States of) | — | None | Ninguno | None |
Monaco | — | None | Ninguno | None |
Mongolia | Agency of Land Affairs, Geodesy and Cartography of Mongolia | None | Ninguno | 1 |
Montenegro | Real estate administration of Montenegro (Uprava za nekretnine Crne Gore) | None | Ninguno | None |
Morocco | Agence National de la Conservation Foncière, du Cadastre et de la Cartographie | 1 | Ninguno | None |
Mozambique | National Remote Sensing & Cartography Centre - Centro Nacional de Cartografia e Teledeteção | 3 | Descargar | 3 |
Myanmar | Survey Department | None | Ninguno | None |
Namibia | Directorate of Survey and General Mapping | None | Ninguno | None |
Nauru | — | None | Ninguno | None |
Nepal | Survey Department - Ministry of Land Management, Cooperative and Poverty Alleviation | 1 | Ninguno | None |
Netherlands (the) | Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (Dienst voor het Kadaster en de openbare registers) | None | Ninguno | None |
New Zealand | Land Information New Zealand & Stats NZ Geographic Data Service | None | Ninguno | 1 |
Nicaragua | Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales | None | Ninguno | None |
Niger | Ministère de l'Urbanisme et du Logement Institut Géographique National du Niger | 3 | Descargar | 2 |
Nigeria | Office of the Surveyor General of the Federation, Federal Surveys of Nigeria | 2 | Descargar | 1 |
Niue | Justice, Lands and Survey Department | None | Ninguno | None |
North Macedonia | Agency for Real Estate Cadastre (Агенција за катастар на недвижности) | None | Ninguno | None |
Norway | Norwegian Mapping Authority (Statens kartverk) | None | Ninguno | None |
Oman | Geographical Information Services, National Survey Authority | None | Ninguno | None |
Pakistan | Geological Survey of Pakistan | None | Ninguno | None |
Palau | National GIS / Ministry of Resources& Development | None | Ninguno | None |
Panama | Instituto Geográfico Nacional Tommy Guardia | None | Ninguno | None |
Papua New Guinea | National Mapping Bureau | None | Ninguno | None |
Paraguay | Servicio Geográfico Militar | None | Ninguno | None |
Peru | National Geographical Institute of Peru | None | Ninguno | None |
Philippines (the) | National Mapping & Resource Information Agency | 2 | Ninguno | 1 |
Poland | Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (Glówny Urzad Geodezji i Kartografii) | None | Ninguno | None |
Portugal | Directorate General for Territory (Direção Geral do Território) | None | Ninguno | None |
Qatar | Center for GIS | None | Ninguno | None |
Republic of Korea (the) | National Geographic Information Institute | None | Ninguno | None |
Republic of Moldova (the) | State Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre (Agentia de stat relatii funciare si cadastru) | None | Ninguno | None |
Romania | National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration of Romania (Agentia Nationala de Cadastru si Publicitate Imobiliara) | None | Ninguno | 1 |
Russian Federation (the) | Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) | None | Ninguno | None |
Rwanda | Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority | None | Ninguno | None |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Department of Lands and Surveys | None | Ninguno | None |
Saint Lucia | — | None | Ninguno | None |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Lands and Surveys Department, Ministry of Housing, Informal Human Settlements, Physical Planning and Lands and Survey | None | Ninguno | None |